How to upgrade TSWIN

1.  Launch the old version of TSWIN. Verify your data is present and click the yellow question mark, examine the box marked 'Directory'.  If it contains C:\TSWIN all is well and you can accept all defaults when running the setup program.  

Otherwise make careful note of the entry in the Directory box.  You will need it later.  

Be sure to exit TSWIN after collecting this information.

2.  If you have already saved the sutswin.exe file on your desktop skip to step 3, otherwise click this link sutswin.exe.

When asked whether to save to disk, click Save or Save File. Save the sutswin.exe file on your desktop.

Verify you have the sutswin.exe file on your desktop, then close your browser. 

3.  Double click the sutswin.exe file. When the setup program launches, click Start.  If in the first step you determined your files were in a location other than C:\TSWIN, enter the location you noted from the Directory box, otherwise accept the recommended location and click OK.

Click OK to close the setup program.

4.  Launch TSWIN and verify you are running the current version and all your data is present. Remove the sutswin.exe file from your desktop.
